Combining the storage capacity of your house, garage, and storage shed may have been enough to keep you from renting a storage unit. But, your list of possessions may continue to grow and the easiest feature to change on your property is the storage shed. While you are in the process of upgrading to a larger storage shed, you will need a place for your belongings to go.
A great choice is to rent a storage unit and put all your items inside until the project is finished.
Sell or Demolish the Old Shed
By removing everything in the storage shed, you can get it out of the way before you start working on the new shed. If it is in excellent condition, you should consider putting it up for sale. If not, you can rent a dumpster to put all the pieces inside and then have it taken away. Either way, this will remove the shed from your yard, prevent cluttering, and leave room for new construction.
Avoid Cluttering Your Home
It is important not to clutter your house when you are working on a storage shed. It is tempting to just distribute the items in the shed to your garage, closets, and even bedrooms. But, you will find it easier to put it all into a storage unit because you will know where everything is located.
If you were to spread the shed items all over, you might lose track of what goes where. Also, not cluttering your home will help you keep a happy household and avoid possible pest issues.
Prepare for Possible Delays
When working on a large storage shed, you should prepare yourself for delays. For instance, if a huge rainstorm or heavy winds start coming through your neighborhood, the people who are working on the shed will have to take a break to prevent their work from becoming damaged.
By not cluttering your home, you will not feel rushed to finish the shed project. It will allow the workers to take their time with the larger shed to make sure it is built well all around.
To decide on the right size storage unit, you should consider the measurements of the shed you are replacing. If it is 8x8, you can rent a 10x10 unit and feel confident that everything will fit. Choosing to rent a storage unit over other options will help you have a stress-free experience.
Contact a company like Payless Self Storage for more information and assistance.